Full Member - First Time
Membership runs from January 1 through December 31. Full members vote in MAPSS elections.
If you pay online, please complete the application form (a fillable PDF) and email it to mapss@mnsoilscientist.org (or mail it to the address on the form). Your application will be reviewed at a MAPSS Executive Committee meeting and you will be notified soon after.
Membership runs from January 1 through December 31. Full members vote in MAPSS elections.
If you pay online, please complete the application form (a fillable PDF) and email it to mapss@mnsoilscientist.org (or mail it to the address on the form). Your application will be reviewed at a MAPSS Executive Committee meeting and you will be notified soon after.
Membership runs from January 1 through December 31. Full members vote in MAPSS elections.
If you pay online, please complete the application form (a fillable PDF) and email it to mapss@mnsoilscientist.org (or mail it to the address on the form). Your application will be reviewed at a MAPSS Executive Committee meeting and you will be notified soon after.
You may also complete the fillable PDF form, print it out, then mail it with your payment to the address on the form.
Click here to apply for your initial MAPSS membership.