Each Professional Soil Scientist member of MAPSS is guided by the highest standards of ethics and professional conduct.
Our Mission
MAPSS was established in 1973, the Minnesota Association of Professional Soil Scientists (MAPSS) is the only organization representing the professional interests of soil scientists in Minnesota. MAPSS promotes the understanding and wise use of Minnesota's soil resources. Our members consist of professional soil scientists, consultants, researchers, teachers and students, as well as those who just have an interest in soils.
What We Do
Provide technical events and tours focused on soil.
Award scholarships at the college/university level.
Help members with the Fundamentals of Soil Science exam.
Provide networking for soil scientists.
Honor a soil scientist each year.
Spearheaded Professional licensure in Minnesota in 1997.
Assisted legislators to pass a bill to have the Lester Loam designated as the Minnesota State Soil in 2012.
Brought the Smithsonian Soils exhibit, Dig It!, to the Bell Museum in 2012.
Soil Scientist of the Year
The Minnesota Association of Professional Soil Scientist (MAPSS) annually honors one of its members as Soil Scientist of the Year who has made a significant contribution to the practice, enhancement, or understanding of soil science. A brief description to support the nomination is required. The individual will be honored for some special achievement of accomplishment during the previous year (Nov. 1 ‑ Oct. 31).
Submit your nomination by November 20, 2024.
The Awards Committee will review all nominations and make the selection per the rules and guidelines with final approval by the Executive Committee. Full members in good standing may nominate any member of MAPSS for this award.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Eligibility ‑ All MAPSS members (Full and Associate) in good standing with the exception of the current members of the Awards Committee and members named as Soil Scientist of the Year within the last 5 years.
2. Provide reasons and supporting documentation for award (numbers in parenthesis are a point guide used in reviewing nominees.):
Candidate name
Job title
Principle duties
Special achievements or accomplishments (50‑80 points) - A statement of 300 words or less supporting the candidate’s achievements in developing a better understanding of soil resources, enhancing better uses of soil resources, etc. should be included.
Service to MAPSS (10‑20 points)
Professional/technical society activities (5‑10 points)
Continuing education (0‑10 points)
Civil and humanitarian activities (0‑10 points)
Awards and honors (0‑5 points)
3. Provide the following to the chairperson of the Awards Committee by November 20th of each year:
your name
nominee’s name
detailed information for items listed under Number 2