A soil scientist studies properties of the soil including its relationship to the environment .
What does a soil scientist do?
Who are we?
We are just like you. We looked at the soil and were amazed by what it does. It grows plants and food, it supports structures, it filters water, it stores nutrients, it provides shelter. Without soil, we will not survive.
In a sense, we are stewards of the soil. -
What we do
Soil scientists work in erosion control, wetland assessment, stormwater mitigation, crop production (including forests), mine reclamation, contamination remediation, site restoration, and research, to name a few.
Become a soil scientist
Job shadow a soil scientist to see what we do. Talk to your local college and take a class in soil science.
A four-year degree in soil science will get you far. Followed by becoming a certified or professional soil scientist in the state where you work. -
MAPSS & Professional licensure
As a MAPSS member, the MAPSS Professional Practice committee and Spectrum Research out of Duluth, MN will reimburse $195 of the cost to sit the fundamentals exam. But first you must complete the reimbursement form and send it to the address on the form.
Become a MAPSS Member
Being a MAPSS member gives you access to an amazing group of soil scientists who are your mentors and friends.
MAPSS members perks include discounted event registrations and access to the MAPSS newsletter, the Auger.
There are three levels of membership: Student - $10/year
Associate - $30/year
Full - $50 first year, $40/year thereafter.A Full member has to be approved by the MAPSS Executive Committee. Below is the form to form to compete to become a member for the first time with MAPSS. Payment is on the Tickets & Membership page.